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Fire Spirit

Album:Low Estate - Piste:16

I can see clearly
from my diamond eyes,
I'm going to the mountain
with the Fire Spirit
no-one will accept all of me
so the Fire...will stop

Up through the streets
the gunfire of cars,
going to the mountain
with the Fire Spirit
no-one will take all of me
so the Fire...will stop

I will be cheating
the whole ritual,
I'm going to the mountain
with the Fire Spirit
no-one will expect all of me
so the Fire..will stop
Someone will break out of the circle,
someone will turn
and burn a world
someone knows a better cell
where the old north wind
blows through southeast hell, yeah....

Invention was betrayed
by the machine,
promised like it was
promised to me

I'm going up to the mountain to see
how the last thing, will set me free, yeah...

I had to do something, I was wearing down,
I was going down....

Why can no one ever touch
a Fire Spirit?
Why can no one ever hold
a Fire Spirit?
Why can no one ever feel
a Fire Spirit?

I am going to the mountain,
I am going to the mountain,
I am going to the montain....

I can see clearly
from my diamond eyes,
I'm going to the mountain
with the Fire Spirit,
no one will accept all of me...
and the fire...will stop...

With too much patience
and too much pain,
going to the mountain with the Fire Spirit
to make amends for all of me...
and the Fire...will stop.



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