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Album:Tostaky - Piste:3

Hey would you
hey wouwould you
Hey would you
feel it mine
Sing that it is left
You know
I need you
You could paint
My mind in blue

But I ..........can't
see you smiling
I... can't see you smiling

You know
i'll be there and get you
To tear hold all you
or things

From how and out
That You do'nt Know
These things that
you don't want to show

But I....
can't see you smiling
I.....can't see you smiling

We could go anywhere
You want to go
To see this place it
Whether great
where glows
I don't wanna hear you calling
Your mother
your father and you after

But I ..........can't see you smiling
Oh I.......... can't see you smiling



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