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Album:666 667 CLUB - Piste:10


I can see you're young and pretty
I know it would be so easy
Any way dark lady I feel lazy
Those afternoons are confused
I don't think that you really chose
There's even one more
reason to feel lazy

While you go away
While you go away
While you go away
While you go away

I could die but I could lie
I can deal with
what's in your mind
Anyway, I'm tired and I feel lazy
You know we're both lost in maze
You're miserable, I'm so dazed
Don't you think you should feel

Suddenly lazy

While you go away
While you go away
While you go away
While you go away

Lazy, la, la, la, lazy
Lazy, la, la, la, lazy
Lazy, la, la, la, lazy

While you go away
While you go away
While you go away



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