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It spurts

Album:Tostaky - Piste:11

nobody, I'll drag me into this
stinking thoughts I know you
you won't never carry it off
even if you're kind with me

get out leave me alone
and have a nice day asshole

I know why you're a
pretty cynic shit
that I can't stand anymore
so sorry about that but
I feel like you pick on me boy

get out leave me alone
and have a nice day asshole
listen and see
don't try it with me (3)
I told you

well you been drinking a lot
and your head's going around
of course you think I'm a
paranoiac silly dirty wicked boy
and you're a pain in my aah

so come on
I fuck you
shut up
I'll kill you
fuck off
you always drive me crazy

get out leave me alone
and have a nice day asshole
listen and see
don't try it with me (3)
I told you
you don't even know
anything true
about my life

and spurts out of our souls



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